Alright guys! I'm sure you have all heard about the disease Amytrophic lateral sclerosis, aka ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease. Well, the Martial Arts school I go to, PRIDE MARTIAL ARTS, is hosting a Kick-a-thon in order to raise money for ALS.
There's going to be a Walk To Defeat ALS on August 2, 2014. More details to come. But if you would like to join the movement, I highly sugget going to this link, the ALS Association Website:
The ALS Association
For those of you who don't know what ALS is, and for some reason don't want to go on the website, it's a disease that affects the nerve cells in both the brain and spine. So basically, you're paralyzed, and you're dying.
I dunno everything about ALS, so go to the link, and you'll get the full scoop.
But for the Walk, I'm pretty sure it's in Delaware Park. Yea, it is. More in the link below.
Walk To Defeat ALS Info.
Don't worry, I WILL keep you guys posted! If you want to come see the Kick-a-thon, it's at St. Leo the Great's School, sometime in July. I'll get more info.
Thanks for your time guys!
Oh, and if you didn't notice, Blue is the ALS Awareness Color (Well, one I think)
Blog where we review MOVIES, VIDEO GAMES, and AWESOME things like that. In our realm, it's all a PIECE OF CAKE. "For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake." -Alfred Hitchcock. My name is Emmaus Nakagawa. Nice to meet you.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
God's Not Dead
For all of those who regularly visit and view my blog, thank you. I hope and pray that you have found my reviews helpful in your movie-viewing decisions. If you have come to trust my blogs...thank you. Now to those who trust me and my reviews, I ask that you trust me once again.
Although the movie I am reviewing may not seem too appealing, I ask that you completely trust me on this one. God's Not Dead is a movie worth the $10 Regal movie ticket. This Christian film is not one of those cheezy ones that have come out in the past. This movie is one that is totally relatable and you will be moved.
Even if you don't believe in God, I ask that you go and see this. Please, it will change your view on beliefs, the world, and most importantly, God. If you're already a believer... go and support this movie 100%.
He says this so that he can move on with his class and not be challenged, because the idea of an all-powerful superhuman being is ridiculous, and he doesn't want God to get in his way of teaching. He tells the students to write on a sheet of paper, "God is dead."
Although the movie I am reviewing may not seem too appealing, I ask that you completely trust me on this one. God's Not Dead is a movie worth the $10 Regal movie ticket. This Christian film is not one of those cheezy ones that have come out in the past. This movie is one that is totally relatable and you will be moved.
Even if you don't believe in God, I ask that you go and see this. Please, it will change your view on beliefs, the world, and most importantly, God. If you're already a believer... go and support this movie 100%.
Alright, God's Not Dead contains six or more consecutive stories that all intertwine and connect. So, in order in tell all of God's Not Dead, without completely confusing you, I will tell all of the stories one at a time. First, starting with Josh Wheaton.
The movie begins with Josh getting verification for his schedule at college. He's a freshman. He then goes off to the main class that the movie focuses on... philosophy. The teacher is one such Mr. Raddington, who is an aetheist. He says that in order to move on in the class, he wants to get through the students' minds that there is no God.
All of the class does so... except for Josh. When Mr. Raddington is coming to collect the
papers, he looks at Josh and says,
"Is there a problem, Mr-"
"Wheaton. Josh Wheaton," Josh boldly replies.
"Well, Mr. Wheaton. Is there a problem?"
"Yes. I can't... I can't do this. I'm a Christian."
Oh, snap. Well, Mr. Raddington isn't so happy about that, and he tells Josh that during the next three classes, with 20 minutes in each, Josh has to convince him that God is NOT dead.
Josh suggests instead that he must convince the class of 80 students, since their mindset is already that God IS dead. Mr. Raddington agrees, but thinks that Josh will fail.
Josh's girlfriend hears, and is really mad. She thinks Josh shouldn't oppose Mr. Raddington, but Josh keeps going, and does all three parts of his lecture. I'll tell you this much... it's powerful.
Part Two Coming Soon!
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
I'll probably say this about a lot of movies, but Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a must-see movie. I saw it yesterday for my birthday party... and it was awesome! Just seeing the trailer, and you don't believe me, WELL then! Here's the review... see if you wanna go to this now!
The film begins with Steve and Samuel Wilson (Falcon) running laps around D.C., and every time, Steve passes him saying, "To your left." Eventually, the two offically meet each other, and then Steve is called on a mission.
The mission: Raid a Navy ship, and Captain America is to save the hostages. He goes in with Natasha, aka Black Widow, and a squad of S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Ops agents. He goes in also to acquire a potential threat to S.H.I.E.L.D., whose name is Batroc (played by Georges St. Pierre).
After saving the hostages, and failing to stop Batroc immediately, Cap finds Natasha; on her own assignement of her own. Now, Natasha gets a hard-drive that you will need to remember for the rest of the movie to actually make sense.
Now, moving on.
Georges St. Pierre (Batroc, remember) actually shows up again, and Cap chases him down outside, and the first boss fight begins. Captain America has mastered the use of his shield, and he's a boss with it. He's blocking, striking, and just showing off with it.
Cap knocks back Batroc, and he throws a little taunt at the Captain.
"I thought Captain America was more than just a shield."
"We'll find out." So begins an epic fight that, obviously, Captain wins. When arriving back at S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve questions Nick Fury. He asks why Natasha was on her own assignment, and Nick makes up the excuse of saying it's just "compartmentalizing," or where the team has its assignment, but individuals are also given their own missions.
Well, Captain isn't so happy about that. Anyway, the movie goes on, and Fury shows Captain S.H.I.E.L.D.'s new project: Project Insight. This is the making and modeling of three new and improved S.H.I.E.L.D. Heli-carriers, and Fury seems suspicious about something. When Fury isn't sure about something, you know that something's up.
So, asking the Secretary of S.H.I.E.L.D. to delay the launch of Project Insight, Fury takes a drive. He's in that awesome black car that's blown up in the trailer. After he gets blown up, he's about to be killed by the Winter Soldier; since Fury is smart, he uses a torch to escape to Steve's apartment.
Nick tells Cap that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been compromised. Wait, what? Basically, without telling anymore and skipping ahead a bit, Hydra is still existent. Hydra has compromised S.H.I.E.L.D., and that means that Project Insight is a part of Hydra's plan. They're going to use Project Insight to eliminate any threat to Hydra: The Avengers, and everybody that can be a potential threat and destroy Hydra.
Well, the story goes, and Captain America eventually faces off against the Winter Soldier, and defeats him, and the world is saved, with Cap almost dying. Another interesting thing about this, is Arnim Zola. For those hard-core Marvel fans, Zola is now portrayed as a super-computer all the way from 1945. Zola has preserved his brain/conscience or whatever into the super-computer, and he knows pretty much everything from 1945 up to the present day. And
Sadly, Zola has a short-lived appearance, since Cap busts the screen, probably destroying Zola's preserved super-computer self. Oh well, fans: don't become too depressed. We may see him in the future. Fingers crossed, right? But, Cap saves the day all the same.
P.S. Stay after the credits... you hard-core Marvel fans are gonna love what you see.
The film begins with Steve and Samuel Wilson (Falcon) running laps around D.C., and every time, Steve passes him saying, "To your left." Eventually, the two offically meet each other, and then Steve is called on a mission.
The mission: Raid a Navy ship, and Captain America is to save the hostages. He goes in with Natasha, aka Black Widow, and a squad of S.H.I.E.L.D. Black Ops agents. He goes in also to acquire a potential threat to S.H.I.E.L.D., whose name is Batroc (played by Georges St. Pierre).
After saving the hostages, and failing to stop Batroc immediately, Cap finds Natasha; on her own assignement of her own. Now, Natasha gets a hard-drive that you will need to remember for the rest of the movie to actually make sense.
Now, moving on.
Georges St. Pierre (Batroc, remember) actually shows up again, and Cap chases him down outside, and the first boss fight begins. Captain America has mastered the use of his shield, and he's a boss with it. He's blocking, striking, and just showing off with it.
Batroc the Leaper and Captain America fight |
"I thought Captain America was more than just a shield."
"We'll find out." So begins an epic fight that, obviously, Captain wins. When arriving back at S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve questions Nick Fury. He asks why Natasha was on her own assignment, and Nick makes up the excuse of saying it's just "compartmentalizing," or where the team has its assignment, but individuals are also given their own missions.
Project Insight |
Arnim Zola's Captain America 2 self |
Nick tells Cap that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been compromised. Wait, what? Basically, without telling anymore and skipping ahead a bit, Hydra is still existent. Hydra has compromised S.H.I.E.L.D., and that means that Project Insight is a part of Hydra's plan. They're going to use Project Insight to eliminate any threat to Hydra: The Avengers, and everybody that can be a potential threat and destroy Hydra.
Well, the story goes, and Captain America eventually faces off against the Winter Soldier, and defeats him, and the world is saved, with Cap almost dying. Another interesting thing about this, is Arnim Zola. For those hard-core Marvel fans, Zola is now portrayed as a super-computer all the way from 1945. Zola has preserved his brain/conscience or whatever into the super-computer, and he knows pretty much everything from 1945 up to the present day. And
Sadly, Zola has a short-lived appearance, since Cap busts the screen, probably destroying Zola's preserved super-computer self. Oh well, fans: don't become too depressed. We may see him in the future. Fingers crossed, right? But, Cap saves the day all the same.
Little Riddle for ya's: Who are the children of Dr. Doom? |
Thursday, April 10, 2014
THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY- The View of Christopher Nolan
*NOTE*- This is based off of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES documentary titled The Journey of Bruce Wayne, where Christopher Nolan and the crew speak about how they wished to develop and portray the Dark Knight. Here it is:
The Batman story wasn't really meant to go on for a trilogy, according to one of the crew. Batman Begins was supposed to be the only film, and they left it open for people to think about and wonder. They never expected the film to do so good like it did.
So when they saw the success of the film, they decided that they had to do another one. And with each film, they made it end in a way where it was open, but it was a definite ending as well. For example, in Batman Begins, they dropped the story where Bruce says he's going to re-build Wayne Manor. So it ends.
When the crew made THE DARK KNIGHT, their plan was simple, make an even better Batman than the first. And they certainly did deliver. But the aim of THE DARK KNIGHT was to advance Bruce into his years of Batman, and to show his downfall.
THE DARK KNIGHT had an ending that was also very definite, and it almost seems that the crew was determined to leave it at that. Batman had fallen, Gotham didn't need him anymore. He had done his job, and he had done it good. THE DARK KNIGHT was certainly, in my opinion, the best of the trilogy, as well as the darkest.
As for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, the crew wanted to do something special. They wanted to show that yes, Gotham did need Batman back after all. But, Bruce Wayne was "addicted to the suit," as Christopher Nolan. After his downfall eight years prior to the trilogy's ending, Bruce, as Alfred said, "hung up [his] cowl and cape, but [he] didn't move on. [He's] just waiting for things to go bad again so that Batman can come back."
Well put, Alfred; as that was the aim of THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY crew. They wanted to show that Batman was the only way that Bruce could channel his undealt-with anger. He hadn't gotten past the fact that his parents were murdered in cold blood right in front of his very eyes. So, the only way that he could really control it, was with a cowl; with a cape, and with the ability to beat the crap out of petty thugs.
So when Gotham needs Batman, Bruce can't resist. His opportunity to come back and show that he's really for the City of Gotham has presented itself, and he can't let it slip through his fingers. So he takes on Bane, and you know the story. Well then, why does he retire? you might ask.
The answer isn't actually in the movie, not defined at least. He retires because he comes to the realization that Alfred was right. He had to move on. That decision was made while he was in the pit. He was thinking about everything that had happened that led to that point. He realized that he could have a life. So, he decided that after he defeated Bane, he would retire. But then the opportunity came to fake his death...
So he took it. Thus, Batman died... and Gotham mourned the loss of their hero that they never desired, but needed. Now that the city wanted him...
The Batman story wasn't really meant to go on for a trilogy, according to one of the crew. Batman Begins was supposed to be the only film, and they left it open for people to think about and wonder. They never expected the film to do so good like it did.
THE DARK KNIGHT had an ending that was also very definite, and it almost seems that the crew was determined to leave it at that. Batman had fallen, Gotham didn't need him anymore. He had done his job, and he had done it good. THE DARK KNIGHT was certainly, in my opinion, the best of the trilogy, as well as the darkest.
As for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, the crew wanted to do something special. They wanted to show that yes, Gotham did need Batman back after all. But, Bruce Wayne was "addicted to the suit," as Christopher Nolan. After his downfall eight years prior to the trilogy's ending, Bruce, as Alfred said, "hung up [his] cowl and cape, but [he] didn't move on. [He's] just waiting for things to go bad again so that Batman can come back."
The answer isn't actually in the movie, not defined at least. He retires because he comes to the realization that Alfred was right. He had to move on. That decision was made while he was in the pit. He was thinking about everything that had happened that led to that point. He realized that he could have a life. So, he decided that after he defeated Bane, he would retire. But then the opportunity came to fake his death...
So he took it. Thus, Batman died... and Gotham mourned the loss of their hero that they never desired, but needed. Now that the city wanted him...
They no longer needed the Batman.
So this... this is the tribute to Batman.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Hello Interwebz!!!
Hi everyone, I'm Nate, and I'm a new contributed to Piece of Cake! I'm glad to be a part of this website, and I'm happy to work with Emmaus on his blog, and on mine. Not only am I a part of Piece of Cake, but Emmaus works alongside of me in my blog, Epic'z Picz. I'm glad to be here to post alongside of Emmaus, and happy to be a piece of the cake.
Also, I'd like to congradulate Emmauses achievement of getting his black belt (even though I can still beat him up). Thanks again Emmaus, for inviting me to your blog!
Also, I'd like to congradulate Emmauses achievement of getting his black belt (even though I can still beat him up). Thanks again Emmaus, for inviting me to your blog!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
BATMAN BEGINS - Flashback Review Part 3
This is the final part of the Batman Begins Flashback Reviews I'll be doing, cuz I think three's kinda much. But hey! Third time's the charm, eh? Alright, here goes.
Batman's first target to stopping crime in Gotham, Falcone. Falcone is a filthy rich black market dealer and seller. You need something the gun store can't offer ya, he's the one to go to.
Now Batman learns of a fear inducing gas that is driving people insane, and he wants to get to the bottom of it. He learns from some goons that the seller is Falcone, and The Bat goes after him. He apprehends Falcone, and strikes fear into the Underworld of Crime.
Scarecrow, little bit scary for youngin's |
Skipping ahead a bit, we learn that the creator of the fear-inducing gas is none other than psychiatric physician Dr. Jonathan Crane. He has labeled himself as The Scarecrow, and uses this gas to drive people deep into the clutches of insanity, which happens to Falcone, since Scarecrow doesn't want him to talk and reveal anything.
Of what? A bigger plan? Bingo.
That bigger plan is destroying Gotham. (Typical, I know) Well, who's behind it? None other than the great Ra's al Ghul himself. Say what? Yup.
Ra's is part of a secret organization called The League of Shadows, (supposed to be The League of Assassins) and the goal of the League is to wipe any and all crime off of the face of the earth on a global scale. And for awhile now, Gotham has been the League's target. So now, Ra's al Ghul is coming to do the job.
Then there's the rest...
There's some scary images, FYI, and then...
Face-off between Batman and Ra's,
Gotham is saved, happy ending. Did I mention that Wayne Manor gets burned down a little earlier? No, I didn't. Well, sorry. Yea, Wayne Manor is burned down by Ra's to get Batman outta the way before he does his duty of destroying Gotham. Man, I'm outta the game.
But there's your Batman Begins Review, and next review is going to be the First Part to the Idea behind The Dark Knight Trilogy, and the way Christopher Nolan wanted to portray one of the greatest heroes of all time. So, stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
BATMAN BEGINS Flashback Review- Cont.
Previously on Flashback Review;
Batman Begins
Bruce, while waiting, looks over into a crack, and sees something moving. He stays still, afraid of what could come out. All of a sudden, bats fly out, and in a terrified condition, swarm around Bruce, and fly out of the well.
Bruce Wayne wakes up about 10 to 15 years later in a jail cell. Breakfast time.
Now we continue...
Bruce gets up and is released temporarily to get his grub of a breakfast. While waiting in the line, a punk comes up and challenges Bruce to fight. Bruce doesn't want any trouble, but he gets dragged into a fight that lasts about 3 minutes, give or take 2.
He ends up fighting four, and beats the crap out of them until Japanese police come and drag Bruce away, saying that Bruce needs to be moved into solitary for protection. "I don't need protection!" yells Bruce at the officer. "Not for you," he says. He jerks his head towards the beaten up punks and says, "For them."
When Bruce is thrown into the cell, this is where we meet Ra's al Ghul. Literally, his name translates, "The Head of the Demon," if you were interested. This man is played by Liam Neeson, and tells Bruce he can train him to channel his anger, and make it strength.
For those of you who don't know the story of Bruce's tragic past, his parents were murdered when he was like 12, in front of him too. So now he's a billionaire orphan. All of these years, he has been angry. And now he wants to learn how to fight crime. In order to do so, he takes on a life of crime, to learn how the criminal mind ticks.
It's worked so far, but now Ra's is offering to help. Out of the shadows of Bruce's anger when he's trained, comes a hero that Ra's al Ghul never imagined... BATMAN.
So, I've skipped ahead a bit, but now Bruce returns to Gotham after being gone seven years. Alfred, his butler, has in the meantime, declared Bruce dead. But now Bruce's unsuspected return has brought a lot of commotion to Gotham, what with their most eligible bachelor coming back from the dead.
Immediately following his return, Bruce begins his project of making his suit, and arming himself so he can take on crime as a symbol of fear to his challengers, and a symbol of hope to the ones he protects.
To be continued...
Batman's First Appearance
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