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The film begins in Egypt at around 6000 BC with a ritual taking place. The ritual is for Apocalypse because he's gotten old, and he wants to transfer his conscience to
another body so that he can basically be immortal.
Apocalypse |
The ritual begins and his Four Horsemen, basically his four disciples, are present to protect him. However, the soldiers of the Egyptian guard have a plan up their sleeves. "Death to the false god!" they yell as they collapse the giant pyramid where the ritual is taking place. This is Apocalypse's weakest moment, so he can be killed. However, the Four Horsemen protect him, and he's buried.
The transfer wasn't completed, therefore Apocalypse is in a kind of suspension. He's not dead, and he's not alive. He stays there for most of history until the film fast forwards to the year 1983. Here, the film follows multiple story lines, and the way I explain them may not be in the order of the movie. So, sorry in advance.
Eric Lehnsherr (Magneto) has tried living a normal life after the events of X-
Men: Days of Future Past, and has so far been successful. He's married and has a 10 year old mutant daughter who can influence animals. They're living in peace until there's an accident at the metal plant he's working at and he saves a guy from being crushed.
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The Four Horsemen |
Now if you remember back to 10 years prior, Eric turned the world's cameras on himself, and he was known as a mutant to be feared. Naturally, all of the workers saw that on tv and report Eric to the authorities. They capture his daughter and want Eric to turn himself in.
However, as Eric is being taken away, his daughter becomes angry and animals begin reacting, starting to encircle the officers. One of them has a bow and arrow poised and ready to fire, and he gets distracted by the birds and lets fly. The arrow pierces
Eric's daughter through into his wife. Pissed off as you can imagine, he kills all of the officers. He then proceeds to kill the men at the metal plant where he works.
Moira McTaggart has continued as an undercover CIA Agent for the past 21 years, and this time we find her in Egypt. She followed two men that have the mark of Apocalypse. They're in a kind of cult. She follows them into the tomb that we know contains the suspended body of Apocalypse, and she walks in on a ritual to revive him.
He's revived and teleports out of his tomb to find four new Horsemen. His teleportation literally shakes the entire earth, and the X-Men feel it. Jean reacts to it and sees the end of the world in a dream. Turns out that that's not too far off from the truth.
Apocalypse comes across a young girl who can control weather and recruits her as a Horseman. This female figure we know as the famous Storm. Fun act, Storm is actually Stan Lee's favorite female Marvel character. Anyway, Apocalypse enhances Storm's powers so she can unlock her full potential.
At the same time, Mystique has continued to help mutants outta trouble, one of them being Kurt Wagner, otherwise known as Nightcrawler. He's fighting Angel and she saves him. They then go to Xavier because Raven hears that Eric is in trouble in
Germany because he killed a bunch of people.
Back to Eric. Just as he's about to kill the men in the metal plant, Apocalypse teleports to him with Angel and Psylocke. He brings him to Auschwitz, where Eric first used his powers. There, Eric discovers he can summon metal that is buried deep beneath the surface of the Earth. Magneto's true potential is shown here, and it is just an awesome display of his true power, and I was happy I got to witness it.
So hearing about the giant earthquake that Jean reacted to, Charles goes to Cerebro and finds Moira in Egypt, coming out of the newly collapsed tomb. They then go visit her in Langley. She tells them about Apocalypse and know that he's bad news. From here, it picks up. I don't wanna spoil anything more than I already have, but you should go see it. It's awesome.
Family Friendliness- 7/10 X-Men Definitely not for the little ones. Then again, how many family friendly movies are out there right? Kids ages 12 and up is a good range for the film. There's a lot of violence, and a swear word or two; maybe three. There is some blood, and it's quite realistic, but other than that it should be good. No sexual content of any kind whatsoever.
Story Line- 9/10 Horsemen The story was phenomenal. Now, I don't keep up with X-Men as much, but I sure appreciated the movie. It was totally awesome, and a lot of things came into play, like the classic X-Men suits. You've just gotta remember that there's been a lot of time jumps in between the newest X-Men movies so that you don't get confused.
Story-Action Balance- 9/10 Cerebros It was very nicely balanced between all of the action fight scenes, the comedic relief, and the overall plot. Nothing felt too overwhelming, and it was always fun to get a good laugh from almost every character. Even Xavier had a few moments!
Overall- 8/10 Jets You can do the math if you'd like, but I think that the movie was very good. It was definitely a step up from X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: First Class. Each film keeps getting better and better, kinda like the Avengers films, and I'm glad that the X-Men Cinematic Universe has taken a turn for the best. I can't wait to see what Bryan Singer's gonna do next!
The 1983 X-Men |
Moira McTaggart has continued as an undercover CIA Agent for the past 21 years, and this time we find her in Egypt. She followed two men that have the mark of Apocalypse. They're in a kind of cult. She follows them into the tomb that we know contains the suspended body of Apocalypse, and she walks in on a ritual to revive him.
He's revived and teleports out of his tomb to find four new Horsemen. His teleportation literally shakes the entire earth, and the X-Men feel it. Jean reacts to it and sees the end of the world in a dream. Turns out that that's not too far off from the truth.
Apocalypse comes across a young girl who can control weather and recruits her as a Horseman. This female figure we know as the famous Storm. Fun act, Storm is actually Stan Lee's favorite female Marvel character. Anyway, Apocalypse enhances Storm's powers so she can unlock her full potential.
At the same time, Mystique has continued to help mutants outta trouble, one of them being Kurt Wagner, otherwise known as Nightcrawler. He's fighting Angel and she saves him. They then go to Xavier because Raven hears that Eric is in trouble in
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The Ritual Pyramid for Apocalypse in Egypt, 6000 BC |
Back to Eric. Just as he's about to kill the men in the metal plant, Apocalypse teleports to him with Angel and Psylocke. He brings him to Auschwitz, where Eric first used his powers. There, Eric discovers he can summon metal that is buried deep beneath the surface of the Earth. Magneto's true potential is shown here, and it is just an awesome display of his true power, and I was happy I got to witness it.
So hearing about the giant earthquake that Jean reacted to, Charles goes to Cerebro and finds Moira in Egypt, coming out of the newly collapsed tomb. They then go visit her in Langley. She tells them about Apocalypse and know that he's bad news. From here, it picks up. I don't wanna spoil anything more than I already have, but you should go see it. It's awesome.
Family Friendliness- 7/10 X-Men Definitely not for the little ones. Then again, how many family friendly movies are out there right? Kids ages 12 and up is a good range for the film. There's a lot of violence, and a swear word or two; maybe three. There is some blood, and it's quite realistic, but other than that it should be good. No sexual content of any kind whatsoever.
Story Line- 9/10 Horsemen The story was phenomenal. Now, I don't keep up with X-Men as much, but I sure appreciated the movie. It was totally awesome, and a lot of things came into play, like the classic X-Men suits. You've just gotta remember that there's been a lot of time jumps in between the newest X-Men movies so that you don't get confused.
Story-Action Balance- 9/10 Cerebros It was very nicely balanced between all of the action fight scenes, the comedic relief, and the overall plot. Nothing felt too overwhelming, and it was always fun to get a good laugh from almost every character. Even Xavier had a few moments!
Overall- 8/10 Jets You can do the math if you'd like, but I think that the movie was very good. It was definitely a step up from X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-Men: First Class. Each film keeps getting better and better, kinda like the Avengers films, and I'm glad that the X-Men Cinematic Universe has taken a turn for the best. I can't wait to see what Bryan Singer's gonna do next!
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Bibliography: "X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer" <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jer8XjMrUB4>
"X-Men: Apocalypse Apocalypse" <http://cdn1-www.comingsoon.net/assets/uploads/gallery/bts-x-men-apocalypse/xmen0007.jpg>
"X-Men: Apocalypse The Four Horsemen" <https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1HAs4XLhSZw/maxresdefault.jpg>
"X-Men: Apocalyspe Poster Defend" <http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/x-men-apocalypse-poster-defend.jpg>
"X-Men: Apocalypse Pyramid" <https://cdn3.whatculture.com/images/2016/04/cf7941ae4cc1-600x400.jpg>