Blog where we review MOVIES, VIDEO GAMES, and AWESOME things like that. In our realm, it's all a PIECE OF CAKE.
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake." -Alfred Hitchcock.
My name is Emmaus Nakagawa. Nice to meet you.
There is a cure for cancer. The answer? Virology. A leading scientist played by Emma Thompson comes out with a huge story where she says that she has cured cancer by genetically altering measles so that it will fight the cancer cells. So far, she has treated 1,009 patients, and all 1,009 are cured. Hooray right?
Fast forward three years and Manhattan is overrun with vegetation, deer, and lions gotten out of the zoo. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville is a former US Army Virologist, and the last survivor of "Ground Zero." That's right, the virus started in Manhattan, and spread from there. That means that his Base of Operations is the most heavily infested area with Darkseekers. Darkseekers aren't like any other monster you've ever seen. They're not even like the Abbys in the T.V. series Wayward Pines. They are their own class of monsters, very similar to Vampires in that they die within seconds of being exposed to UV rays, but different in that they are not as intelligent let alone sophisticated as the vampires you may know from Underworld. They are still pretty scary, though. There's a picture of one to the right. For the past three years, Neville has been attempting to make a cure from his blood, because he was one of the 1% of the entire population of the planet that actually survived the virus, both airborne and through contact with bodily fluids. His everyday routine is getting up, exercising, going out and doing some raiding of abandoned apartments with his dog Samantha, a gift from his daughter, and going to the docks. His routine however, becomes quickly interrupted, and by what remains to be seen. As Neville goes to sleep and wakes up to new days, he has dreams of his last moments with his family. Through these small fleeting glimpses, we understand that his family was attempting to escape Manhattan via chopper, but were killed by another chopper that was weighted down by a bunch of people and crashed into Neville's family's chopper. Can Dr. Robert Neville find a cure to the virus that has plagued the entire planet? Can he survive in the world that has been left behind by the "cure for cancer"? Go ahead and find out.
Family Friendliness- 7/10 Cities This film has some bloodiness, scary images, and intense violence. The Darkseekers aren't exactly scary, but definitely disturbing.
Story-line- 9/10 Rifles This film has an excellent story-line, and it doesn't take a genius to follow it. However, it does have a very intense feel, and does a nice job of giving moments where you can feel like you are relaxed along with Dr. Neville, although when the action picks up, you can definitely feel the heat.
Thriller Level- 7/10 Darkseekers This isn't exactly scary. I mean, none of the movies I have reviewed are scary. There are definitely moments where you're on the edge of your seat, hoping and praying to God that something doesn't jump out, worried about the dog, and of course, Will Smith. Because hey, who doesn't love Will Smith?
Acting- 9/10 Houses Will Smith does an excellent job portraying a scientist concerned with finding a cure for the virus that has overtaken the world. He wants to turn the monsters back to humans, not just survive. After all, he believes that he is the last one.
Overall- 8/10 Stars The average for this movie does actually come out to 8, and I'm happy with it. I could actually be gracious and give it a 9, so you can give someone that rating if you ever feel better about this movie than I do.
Hiya everyone! I haven't really seen any new movies as of late, so that's on me. But the other day I decided hey, let's get a Redbox film, and I saw "10 Cloverfield Lane"! So we'll dive right into it. Part 2 of PoC's Halloween!
1 0 C l o v e r f i e l d L a n e
The movie begins with a woman who is packing up her things. She finishes up and the last thing she has gotta pick up is her phone, which is sitting on a dresser. She stares at it for a solid minute or so and decides to finally pick it up. She calls someone, and the sound is taken out at this point and you see her talking and ends up kind of distressed. She then hangs up and leaves the house.
As she walks out with her last box, the camera unblurs on a section in the lower left hand corner... a wedding ring.
She drives far away. Not just like down a few streets far. Like FAR FAR AWAY. She's on the move for the majority of the day and then she makes a stop for some fuel. However, a sketchy truck comes up and makes her a little uncomfortable. So she finishes filling up and then she's on the road again.
Her phone rings and the caller is labeled Ben. She takes a second and considers answering, and eventually does. "Michelle, please come home." Ben starts pleading with Michelle to come back, and says that they just had a small fight and that that was no reason to just pack up and go. So now we know what kind of a person Michelle is. She hangs up on him.
She turns on the radio and there's been reports of city wide and worldwide black outs. They are mostly in major cities, but a lot of people have lost power. Michelle isn't really paying attention, though. Her phone rings again and it's Ben.
She starts considering whether or not she should answer the second time when she looks
at her driver-side side mirror, and a truck is driving up behind her. It has an odd similarity to the sketchy truck that she saw earlier at the gas station. The truck slams into her and she spins out of control, crashing off of the road and then coming to a halt upside down in a patch of grass.
Michelle wakes up with a I.V. in her left arm. She follows the trail of tubing up into the pouch of fluids. But what she notices is that she isn't in a hospital. There's a gray brick wall behind the mounted pouch. She looks around and sees that in fact, this is no hospital. She was kidnapped.
She tries moving away from the bed after seeing her stuff across the room from her bed, but is cut short. She looks to her right and sees that there's a brace on her leg that is cuffed to a metal bar. She starts wrestling with it to free herself but is unsuccessful. Well, she needs her phone for sure.
Here we see the genius that Michelle has. She knocks down the stand that was holding the pouch for her fluids and disconnects the pouch and the I.V. from her arm. She uses the stand as a sort of hook and successfully gets her phone. But... of course, there's no service. There is no way that she's calling 911. This means she's underground.
John Goodman unlocks the giant metal door and comes in with a tray of food for Michelle. He sets it down in front of her and she puts her hands up in an innocent sort of way and pleads with him to not hurt her. In reply, John Goodman says, "You need fluids."
He takes the I.V. pouch and stand away and then returns with a pair of wooden crutches.
He tells her that she better get used to using those. He also gives her the key to her cuffs and then leaves.
Michelle uncuffs herself and then immediately tries working on a way to escape. First thing she does is pull off the rubber covering off of the bottom of one crutch and takes the key for her cuffs and sharpens the end of the exposed crutch so that it's got a nasty cutting edge. She then plans to wait for John Goodman to return. But there's no luck. She waits for awhile and he doesn't come back. So naturally, make a way for him to come back, right? Sure, let's make the creepy man come back. Brilliant.
She rips off a piece of cloth from her bed sheets and wraps it around the end of one of her crutches and then lights the cloth on fire and puts it into the small vent that is a little higher than the door and slightly to the right. She reassumes her position of waiting for John Goodman to return and the smoke quickly spreads.
John unlocks the heavy door quickly and walks in looking around for Michelle, and as he is doing so, Michelle charges him with the sharpened crutch. He is able to see it coming but Michelle
hits him good and stumbles out. John gets her though and puts her back into the room.
John comes in again and then sets another tray of food in front of her. He talks with her and tells her that he saved her life, but from what he doesn't exactly say. Before leaving, he says, "I'm Howard by the way." Good thing, too. Cuz writing John Goodman over and over again is a pain in the butt.
Okay, later on, Michelle is released from her confinement and is able to roam around the bunker. She makes a friend called Emmet. No it is not Chris Pratt. But Emmet and Michelle work together to try and get out of their confinement, while avoiding Howard, who poses their biggest threat... until we see the outside world.
1 0 C l o v e r f i e l d L a n e
Family Friendliness- 6/10 BunkersThere's not really anything suggestive about this film. It's another thriller, and there are some inappropriate references from time to time. John Goodman's character is a bit of a creep. Also, there's some disturbing images of disfigured and slaughtered pigs right in the beginning, and then near the end when there's a body in a tub of acid. I'd recommend to parents that you watch this first.
Story-line- 8/10 Tubs The story is really well-done, and I've gotta say that the plot twist at the end of it all really made me mad. Basically, Howard is suggesting that aliens took over the planet, but at the same time, you know that he's absolutely crazy. What's revealed at the end is just... aggravating.
Thriller Level- 8/10 Vents This was beyond stressful. There's a point in the movie where Michelle, Emmet, and Howard are playing a game where you have to guess what the character they're describing is, and Howard gets Santa Claus. So what he says as hints is "I'm watching you. I see you when you sleep." And that just freaked me out because Howard is a real nut case. Not to mention there were the scenes where Michelle is crawling through the vents of the bunker. That may not stress you out, but I'm claustrophobic, and even seeing people in those kinds of situations gets me really worked up.
Acting- 8/10 GeneratorsAlright if you haven't noticed already, I'm experimenting with a lot of different aspects of movies. For thrillers and other things where you can't really measure comic book accuracy, I'm trying to figure out what you guys would like to read about. So just bear with me. But anyway, the acting was phenomenal. I have to say that the actress who played Michelle did a fantastic job, and I don't even know her name. John Goodman contributed too, so obviously that makes it all the better.
Overall- 8/10 Stars The rating should be 7, but I like to be gracious to movies because hey, that's the entire reason I blog.
Alright guys, it's October. And you know what that means: scary movies. Now, I'm not one for paranormal films, but I'll definitely do thrillers. So these reviews aren't really gonna be too long, but hopefully you'll check some of them out. First off, "Shutter Island."
Leonardo DiCaprio is Edward Daniels, a Federal Marshal in 1954 on his way to a mental asylum for the criminally insane. He has been assigned a new partner: Chuck Aule. Their case is to find a missing patient. This patient's name is Rachel. She just kind of disappeared from her cell, and no one saw her leave.
Daniels and Chuck go to her cell, and Daniels finds a sheet of paper that reads: "Rule of 4, Who is 67?" Later, Daniels and Chuck read through the files of all of the patients and find that there are 66 patients. So what is being implied is that there is a 67th patient, even though there is no such patient.
Daniels then interrogates all of the patients and with each one of them, asks if they know an Andrew Laeddis. Most of them deny it, or cringe and cower at the name. So while Daniels is looking for Rachel and Laeddis, he begins having migraines. He also has nightmares, and they repeat every night, almost all of them the exact same.
But in the end... nothing is as it seemed.
Andrew Laeddis...?
Family Friendliness- 4/10 Any child under 13, this kid is a big NO. There are a lot of disturbing images with blood. Also, there's a few creepy guys like the one above.
Story-line- 9/10 This plot is phenomenal. It absolutely messes with your head, and if you've seen Inception, you know how much that screws with you. This movie is Inception level and will leave you absolutely mind-blown at the end. You have been warned.
Thriller Level- 7/10 It's not exactly the kind of movie to give you jump scares, but it's definitely terrifying. I am no fan of anything paranormal, so I am very prone to being freaked out, and this movie makes the list. This would definitely go above "The Sixth Sense" (review on sidebar).
Overall- 8/10 The actual rating would have come out to be a 7, but this movie was just so good. I mean, I was not for a moment bored, I was constantly thinking, and Leonardo DiCaprio delivered a phenomenal performance. Mark Ruffalo and Ben Kingsley were also primary characters, which definitely boosts the rating because they both did amazing. Overall, I highly recommend this movie to anyone not wanting to go see the new Ouija: Origin of Evil, but would like to stay in the Halloween and freaky spirit.