R O G U E O N E:
Jyn and her mom begin going to a bunker, but Jyn's mom tells her to continue on. Galen faces off with Director Orson Krennic, the lead director of the Death Star's construction, and Krennic tells Galen that he's gotta come back to finish the Death Star's plans. But before he can concede, his wife pops up and challenges Krennic. Krennic's Stormtroopers kill Galen's wife, and in the brush, Jyn watches it go down.
Almost immediately, Jyn and Cassion arrive. Saw's men take them into custody, and Jyn requests that she see Saw Gerrera. They take her to Saw, and Saw tells her that he got a message from Galen. They watch it together, and Galen reveals that he's put a weakness into the Death Star to allow the Rebellion to destroy it. However, it's so small that the Empire would never be able to find it in time.
Jyn Erso is the daughter of Galen Erso, an engineer of the Death Star. The film begins with Jyn as a child. She's running towards her home, and an Imperial Aircraft is approaching the surface. Jyn gets home and packs up quick and light, and her mother does the same. Saw Gerrera
contacts Jyn's father, Galen, telling him to hide Jyn and her mom.
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Jyn Erso |
So she books it to the bunker and stays until Saw Gerrera comes to pick her up. Fast forward about ten or fifteen years and Jyn is in an Imperial camp. She's about to be transported in an Imperial truck when a gang of Rebels busts her out.
The Rebels are led by Cassion Andor and his Imperial turned Rebel droid, K-2SO. Cassion hears rumors about the Death Star, and is worried. After he busts Jyn out of her transport truck, he takes her back to the Rebel base, where they learn that Jyn actually has a significant role in helping the Rebellion against the Death Star.
The Rebels decide that they should go to see Saw Gerrera in order to find the location of
Galen Erso. If they find Galen, they can get the plans to the Death Star, and destroy it. However, the man at the head of the operations isn't interested in leaving Saw or Galen alive. He orders Cassion to kill both when he has the chance.
Elsewhere, there's an Imperial pilot deserter. He goes to see Saw to tell him about the Death Star with a message from Galen, but Saw isn't too sure. So he uses this giant eel thing that can read people's thoughts, and he finds out that the pilot was telling the truth.
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Saw Gerrera |
The Death Star has been completed in the mean time, and the Emperor doesn't want a planet to be blown up yet, but in order to display its power, it flies on over to the planet where Saw is. They figure out that the deserter went there, and in order to take him and Saw Gerrara out, they're going to blow it up. They fire in the general area of that city, and while Jyn finishes the message from her father, the city begins to collapse.
Cassion busts out of the prison with K-2SO, the deserter pilot, Chirrut Îmwe, a blind man who's in touch with the Force, and his friend Baze Malbus. They get an Imperial ship and pick Jyn up, but Saw stays behind. As they fly away, the city is literally blown up right behind them, and the blast radius can be seen from space.
Now, the mission is to find Galen Erso. They fly to the planet where Galen is, and Cassion prepares to kill him. Jyn's plan is different: she wants to see him and find out exactly where the structural weakness is in the Death Star. When the crew lands, Cassion and the deserter go to scout
the area, and they find a group of engineers preparing to meet an Imperial ship.
Galen is the head engineer, and he meets Krennic. Krennic wants to know who put the weakness into the Death Star, and Galen admits his fault. Before Galen can be killed, a Rebel bomber flies in and bombs the platform, killing most everyone on it. Krennic survives and escapes, while Galen slowly dies. Jyn rushes to her father's side.
"Stardust. I have so much to tell you."
Those are Galen's last words to Jyn, and 'Stardust' is pretty important, so please remember that, because that's the name of the Death Star plans. Jyn gets back to the ship and they escape, leaving to the Rebel base. There, a council is held to decide whether or not to pursue the Death Star plans. The unanimous decision is no.
That doesn't stop Jyn or Cassion, and they take the captured Imperial ship they flew in. Coming along is a small band of rebels, willing to die for the plans. The Rebel Tower asks them to identify who they are and their permissions to leave the base. The deserter gets on the comm and says
"Rogue. Rogue One."
They fly away, and they reach the Imperial base where all of their files are stored. They get in successfully, and Jyn and Cassion are able to make it into the file house. Things go a little nutty, but the important part is that the rebels got the plans. The cost was high, but just as the rebels are getting away, Darth Vader boards the ship. He freaking annihilates so many Rebels and just misses the ship that leaves carrying the plans and Princess Leia. So now you'll know why Darth Vader is so pissed at the rebels playing dumb as to where the plans are.
Now, the mission is to find Galen Erso. They fly to the planet where Galen is, and Cassion prepares to kill him. Jyn's plan is different: she wants to see him and find out exactly where the structural weakness is in the Death Star. When the crew lands, Cassion and the deserter go to scout
Galen Erso |
Galen is the head engineer, and he meets Krennic. Krennic wants to know who put the weakness into the Death Star, and Galen admits his fault. Before Galen can be killed, a Rebel bomber flies in and bombs the platform, killing most everyone on it. Krennic survives and escapes, while Galen slowly dies. Jyn rushes to her father's side.
"Stardust. I have so much to tell you."
Those are Galen's last words to Jyn, and 'Stardust' is pretty important, so please remember that, because that's the name of the Death Star plans. Jyn gets back to the ship and they escape, leaving to the Rebel base. There, a council is held to decide whether or not to pursue the Death Star plans. The unanimous decision is no.
That doesn't stop Jyn or Cassion, and they take the captured Imperial ship they flew in. Coming along is a small band of rebels, willing to die for the plans. The Rebel Tower asks them to identify who they are and their permissions to leave the base. The deserter gets on the comm and says
"Rogue. Rogue One."
They fly away, and they reach the Imperial base where all of their files are stored. They get in successfully, and Jyn and Cassion are able to make it into the file house. Things go a little nutty, but the important part is that the rebels got the plans. The cost was high, but just as the rebels are getting away, Darth Vader boards the ship. He freaking annihilates so many Rebels and just misses the ship that leaves carrying the plans and Princess Leia. So now you'll know why Darth Vader is so pissed at the rebels playing dumb as to where the plans are.
R O G U E O N E:
Bibliography: "Rogue One: Jyn Erso" <https://images.moviepilot.com/image/upload/c_fill,h_470,q_auto:good,w_620/re1igeovr2p4ulftkoif.jpg>
"Rogue One: Saw Gerrera" <https://pmcdeadline2.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/rogue-one-star-wars-saw-gerrera.jpg>
"Rogue One: Galen Erso" <http://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Rogue-One-A-Star-Wars-Story-Trailer-3-Galen-Erso-in-rain1.jpg>
"Rogue One: Darth Vader" <https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/sB_LW6ipPI14wBDPrH68Cg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9NjEyO2g9MzA2/http://slingstone.zenfs.com/offnetwork/75c0d1502cb8ab8fd6e615c0aa560aaa>
"Rogue One: Galen Erso" <http://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Rogue-One-A-Star-Wars-Story-Trailer-3-Galen-Erso-in-rain1.jpg>
"Rogue One: Darth Vader" <https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/sB_LW6ipPI14wBDPrH68Cg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9NjEyO2g9MzA2/http://slingstone.zenfs.com/offnetwork/75c0d1502cb8ab8fd6e615c0aa560aaa>