Alright, this was an AWESOME movie, but before I get to reviewin', I wanna mention a few things. Okay, Thing 1: On a scale of 1-10 for family friendliness, I'd give this a 3, or maybe a 3.5.
In the movie, it gets graphic, and there's blood flying all over the place. There's a brief sensuality scene in the beginning, and all throughout, there's swearing. So, don't even take your 8 or 9 year old to see this... in fact, any kid under 13 shouldn't see this movie; hence the PG-13 Rating. It seems like the movie-makers really took advantage of that rating, and *just* got off the hook with it. Any more of the crap, and it would've made it to R.
BUT, for epic awesomeness (excluding the sensuality scene and all that) I'd give this an 8 out of 10 EM-208s. Why? Well, RoboCop, like I said, is awesome. But, it doesn't give you that feel that you had when you watched The Avengers for example. You felt that adrenaline rush, and you were on the edge of your seat, right?
This dealer realizes that Officer Alex Murphy (aka RoboCop) is hot on his trail. So in order to get rid of his threat, he tells one of his goons to do something; anything to get rid of Alex Murphy. And that's where you get the explosion. The attempted murder obviously fails as we see in the trailer.
Does it work? Yep. But with a bummer. As it's uploading, Alex's emotional level goes up with the overload in his brain, which he still has. He still has a human brain, he's just inserted into a robotic body. So what the scientist has to do is take away his emotions...huh?
Everything RoboCop does is done with no feeling, no nothing. He just does his "duties." I won't spoil anything else, but I will tell you that after this, there's a whole lot more blood, violence, and swearing.
Then, RoboCop overrides the system, and goes after the one who wanted all this to happen, the character played by Michael Keaton. Alongside him, we got Gary Oldman (already mentioned) and Samuel L. Jackson (NICK FURY!!- The Avengers)
So, with this cast, and story-line, RoboCop turned out to be a great film... but it coulda done better.
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