Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
The beginning of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes shows the ALZ-113 virus spreading across the world. Giving some background as well, we see the massive expansion of the ALZ-113, also come to be known as the "Simian Flu."
The disease spreads rapidly, killing tens of millions of people in its airborne state. Those that are immune survive, which only comes out to only a couple hundred million. All of this takes place within a time span of ten years since the events of Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
The humans in San Francisco, however, have secluded themselves on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge away from the apes, but are now desparately in need of a source of power.
That source of power is located within the apes' territory. It's a dam that could last the humans as long as they need to survive and rebuild their home, without having to fight the apes. So a shaky agreement is made between Caesar and Malcom (Jason Clarke). Malcom has three days, or else Dreyfus (Gary Oldman) will unleash war on the apes.
While Malcom is working on the dam to get it up and running, Koba, on of Caesar's most trusted chimps, scouts ahead to the human settlement. He finds a huge stash of weaponry, being tested and approved for battle. Koba wants war with the humans, so that they don't stand in his way of creating a larger empire...once Caesar has been eliminated.
Blue Eyes is very against going to war, but Koba reassures him in sign, "Don't worry Blue Eyes, we will avenge your father's death."
War begins, and the apes attack the human settlement, making prisoners of the humans that they don't kill.
Meanwhile, Malcom finds Caesar, barely alive and bleeding out. Caesar has them take him to his home that he lived in with Will Rodman (James Franco) in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. There, Malcom's wife heals him. But in order to complete the healing, she needs supplies that are back in the city.
Malcom goes and retrieves the supplies, running into Blue Eyes, telling him, "Your father...he's alive." Blue Eyes goes back with Malcom, and uncovers the truth about his father's shooter.
"Father, Koba warned me, he feared for your safety." (in sign)
"Not human...Koba." Caesar replies in his deep and authoritative voice.
Blue Eyes goes back to the city, telling the apes that are still loyal to Caesar that he is still alive. He uses his father's emblem that was used in Rise. The loyal apes break out and go to see Caesar himself. Together, they go to the city, where Caesar must face off against Koba.
Malcom meets Caesar in a courtyard, where all the apes are gathered, prepared to fight.
"Caesar, you have to go. You have to get out of here now. The military is coming, it's going to be all-out war."
"War...has already...begun. Get out...before...the fighting...begins."
Malcom obeys, disappearing into the shadows of a train station, taking one last look at Caesar, the mighty leader of the apes.
Caesar faces his loyal apes, standing gaurd, watching, waiting... for war.
Laws of the Apes: "Ape not kill Ape"
" Apes together strong"
"Knowledge is power"

Bibliography: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Caesar
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Blue Eyes