There has been increased Cartel activity going on for the past several months, and the U.S. government is looking into it. Matt Graver (Josh Brolin, Everest)is the government military official that is looking into it, and he wants Kate to join him in his war against the Mexican drug lords. Kate is in, because she wants to get at the man who killed those 42 people and stored them into the house walls.
But she has no idea what she is getting herself into. She thinks that these military operatives are going to go "by the book" per say, but these guys know the loopholes, and even push the boundaries a little bit. Matt is being led by Alejandro (Benicio del Toro, The Usual Suspects), who also wants to get at a Mexican drug lord.
This is ultimately why the movie is called Sicario, or, Hitman. Alejandro is the Hitman, and he has been for the entire movie.
Family Friendliness- 4/10 Houses: This is not the ideal family movie, let's just put it like that. There is plenty of swearing to go around, and a whole ton of blood flying too.
Story-line- 9.5/10 Agents: This was really a phenomenal movie. I absolutely loved it, and it left me on the edge of my seat the entire time. If you like action and mystery with intense action, this film is for you.
Re-watch Probability- High aka 9/10: I can tell you right now, I am eager to see this movie again. It was just so well done, and it left me mind-blown kinda like Christopher Nolan's Inception. I am looking forward to owning it on DVD.
Bibliography: "Sicario" <https://pmcvariety.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/sicario-cannes-film-festival.jpg?w=670&h=377&crop=1>
"Sicario Emily Blunt" <http://images.theage.com.au/2015/09/23/6871505/Article%20Lead%20-%20wide1000717545gjsuq0image.related.articleLeadwide.729x410.gjsull.png1443241058097.jpg-620x349.jpg>
"Sicario Movie Trailer" <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XLQ1bkSLDo>
"Sicario Emily Blunt" <http://images.theage.com.au/2015/09/23/6871505/Article%20Lead%20-%20wide1000717545gjsuq0image.related.articleLeadwide.729x410.gjsull.png1443241058097.jpg-620x349.jpg>
"Sicario Movie Trailer" <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XLQ1bkSLDo>
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