B A T M A N V. S U P E R M A N
Okay, now that that's out of the way, let's begin.
The film begins at its end, and you'll know what I mean if you've already seen it. If not, read on. But anyway, there is a funeral march. Ben Affleck begins by saying that there were beautiful
things, good things.
We re-live his parents' death, which is actually important to the story later on, as it affects Bruce Wayne in a way that defines the rest of the film. Then we fast forward to the time of Man of Steel, when the world was first introduced to Superman.
Superman (Henry Cavill) and General Zod are dishing it out, knocking out a crap ton of buildings and killing a lot of innocent people. One of Wayne's towers in Metropolis is falling apart, and Bruce calls one of his guys, Jack, to get out of there. Most of his employees get out, but Jack doesn't make it. Bruce runs into the smoke and finds Wallace, an important figure later, whose legs have been smashed by a giant steel pole.
Bruce and some other guys pull him out and Bruce saves a young girl who is devastated because her mother died in the Wayne Tower. Fast forward 18 months.
Lois Lane (Amy Adams) has gone to the desert to speak to a terrorist because (obviously) she wants the scoop. However, one of her camera guys is caught as a CIA or FBI Agent (can't remember) and is killed in front of Lois. Then there's a big shootout and Lois's reporter book/journal thingy gets shot. She recovers it and is taken inside and held hostage.
Superman smashes down into the building where Lois is and takes out the guy holding her hostage easy-peasy. When Lois gets home, she examines the bullet and puts it into a Ziploc bag. Hey! it's interesting! It is actually not government manufactured, so it is something completely off the US Books, which means the men in the desert were funded by a private company. We'll get to that
Batman is still in business and is interrogating people to try and find out what the "White Portuguese" is. All he knows is that it's connected to Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg). He believes it is a person and is looking for this mysterious figure. The guy he brands with a bat symbol is the sixth man he has interrogated about the "White Portuguese."
This makes Daily Planet news, and the Batman is still seen as a threat. Clark doesn't like it at all and wants to do a story on it, but Perry White (Laurence Fishburne) forbids him to do so. He then takes matters into his own hands when Batman is on a high speed chase and rips open the Batmobile. Batman stands and faces him.
"The next time they shine your light in the sky, don't go to it. Consider this mercy."
"Tell me, do you bleed?" Superman looks back, and flies away.
"You will."
Batman heads back to the Batcave. He's gotta make repairs to it, but he's not worried about that right now. He lost the guys that he was chasing, but luckily he threw a tracker on them. He tracks them back to LexCorp.
That means he needs to break into LexCorp and get the information he needs. Instead of having to break in though, he is invited to a LexCorp party/ball or whatever you want to call it. There, Bruce hacks into the mainframe and gets his data, but it'll take 7 minutes to fully download. So he goes and mingles, meeting Clark Kent there.
I've told you quite a lot, but just know that there are some things you should be aware of when you see the movie. A lot of easter eggs are dropped like Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman, opening up the DCCU. Also, Jason Todd's suit is on display, and when Bruce has his nightmare (Knightmare Batman) he also sees the Red Hood (Jason Todd) yelling at him that he was right about Superman.
So really, they crammed in so much trying to set up this new universe, and I think it was a bit too much, but oh well. Prolly do your research if you're not up to speed with all of this.
Who's funeral were the people at? Why do Day and Night, god and bat, Red and Black fight? Well, see the film for yourself. I think that if you're a DC Fan, you'll absolutely love it.
Family Friendliness- 7.5/10 Bat Symbols: There is a lot of violence and death in this film. It's not really the swearing, it's just that there's a lot of shooting, punching and stuff. Not for your youngins. But it definitely makes for a pretty sweet film.
Storyline- 8/10 Metahumans: The story itself was not bad. It's just that there was a lot of jumping around, y'know? It was very choppy. For example, when Bruce is dreaming, you don't know until he wakes up. Then it doesn't really do a good job of jumping back and forth between Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, and Diana Prince. Also it's kind of slow until the giant explosion in D.C. Washington, D.C. that is.
Rewatch Probability- Medium-High (7/10 Amazons): Personally, when I was in the theatre, the film was not the best view. But once I got out, I couldn't stop thinking about it and everything that transpired. It was well done, but getting out of the theatre is the only thing that prompted me to contemplate the movie. I will say that Ben Affleck actually did a good job of portraying a rageful Bruce Wayne, although in general, he's probably not the Bruce Wayne I would've chosen. He did a good job of showing anger, and it was definitely in the way he fought. I loved his fight scenes. Those were sick, because it reminds me so much of the Arkham games. The fluidity and brutality of his fighting style were beautiful. Thanks Batfleck.
Overall- 7.5
B A T M A N V. S U P E R M A N
Bibliography: "BvS" <http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/images/c_fill,h_1814,w_1280/t_mp_quality/o6g4robgbo1afs8gzrkt/trailer-wars-civil-war-vs-bvs-dawn-of-justice-batman-v-superman-character-lineup-730306.jpg>
"BvS Gal Gadot" <https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWXL_lVUwAAtvr8.jpg>
"BvS Knightmare Batman" <http://static3.techinsider.io/image/562aa85cbd86efed5b8b95b7-1912-784/batman-v-superman-desert.png>
"BvS Trailer" <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhWg7AQLI_8>
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