The film focuses in on Alan Turing, a genius in mathematics, who is attempting to apply for a government job.
The job technically doesn't exist. Therefore, Alan is not applying for a job at all. Anyway, Alan is accepted and put on a team of brilliant people in Europe who all want to break Enigma.
Now, you have to understand that Alan is not the most social. In fact, a little tidbit of information you might want to have in your back pocket is the fact that Alan is gay. Not happy gay, homosexual gay.
You get a sense of that as he has flashbacks to when he was in the seventh grade with his only friend, Christopher. Alan is telling his story to a police investigator who has convicted him of treason.
He tells his brilliant story of how he and a crew of four men and a woman (Kiera
And it was all because of a machine that Alan built, which was later called a "Turing Machine." Today, we call them computers.
If you want an even better kick outta this movie, it's based on a true story. Yep yep! I basically told you the whole plot, so I'll let you guys figure out whether it was good or not. But here's my ratings:
FAMILY FRIENDLINESS: 4 out of 10 Enigmas
PLOT AND STORYLINE: 9 out of 10 Christophers
OVERALL RATING: 9 out of 10 stars
PLOT AND STORYLINE: 9 out of 10 Christophers
OVERALL RATING: 9 out of 10 stars
Bibliography: "The Imitaion Game Quotes" < >
"The Imitaion Game The Enigma"<>
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