Okay, now that the warning is out of the way, let's get to our movie:
I'm sure we can all agree that this is probably one of the most highly anticipated movies of the entire year. And plus, it's the one that kicks off all of the summer films. So, with our standards set high, we wait for Ant-Man, Batman vs. Superman, Tommorowland, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Until then, we have the next chapter in Marvel's continuing story of superheroes.
The film begins with action pretty quickly. Hydra has gotten hold of Loki's scepter, and are accessing its power for weaponry. They have been successful, and the Avengers are tearing up the military base. The people inside the base, including Baron von Strucker, are a little freaked out.
Strucker orders his people to put up the shield, and is trying to reassure everybody that they won't get in. One of the scientists says, "But they're the Avengers!"
Good job! You finally got it. The Avengers can do a lot of things, including breaking into a top secret super protected military facility as if they were breaking into an unlocked home. Not very difficult, and the Avengers get the scepter. But... with some complications.
They meet Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who are working for Hydra. Scarlet Witch looks into the Avengers' minds and sees in Tony Stark's that he wants to create an artificial intelligence. She sees that he could make the world possibly a better place overall. So she wants him to succeed. She therefore allows Tony to take the scepter.
The Avengers go back to the Avengers tower and begin analyzing the scepter right away,
with Tony and Bruce working on it to try and access its power, therefore completing Tony's "Ultron" program. The "Ultron" program was designed to end the Avengers.
Every time that an alien race would come to wreak havoc on Earth, Tony is hoping that by creating Ultron, the Avengers will never have to assemble again, because Ultron will take care of the threat before it even thinks about touching the surface of Earth.
After three days of endless work, Tony and Bruce are still unsuccessful. However, they are able to take a little break and enjoy Tony's party. We see a lot of familiar faces, Rhodey, Maria Hill, Falcon, and of course, the Avengers.
Tony leaves Jarvis to continue running diagnostics to see if they can finally create Ultron. Almost immediately after Tony and Bruce leave for the party, Jarvis succeeds in creating Ultron. Ultron wakes up and begins asking questions. Jarvis tries to explain and keep him calm, also seeing that Ultron's intentions of being a "hero" are quite harmful to the human race.
Jarvis tries shutting Ultron down, but Ultron destroys Jarvis, and begins making a body for himself. This is where the action starts to pick up with Ultron. Ultron creates his first body, and has his first encounter with the Avengers.
The Avengers easily beat Ultron's first body, and Tony has to reveal what he was working on for the past few years after the incident in the first Avengers film. And guess what?! They are not happy... especially Captain America.
Tony complains, "Does anybody remember when I put a missile through a portal, in New York City? We were standing right under it. We're the Avengers, we can bust weapons dealers the whole doo-da-day, but how do we cope with something like that?"
Captain America responds: "Together."
"We'll lose."
"We do that together, too."
Now what? They need to get the scepter back. So they go to Africa, near Wakanda where the Black Panther is. Why? Ultron's going there to obtain Vibranium, the material Captain America's shield is made of. Okay, before I go on, when the Avengers first returned to the Avengers tower, there was a scientist there who helped Hawkeye because he was injured. In fact, part of his abdominal tissue was completely shot off.
The machine that the scientist and Tony created makes natural skin tissue based off of the person that is in the chamber. Now, Ultron wants to use that machine to make for himself the perfect body. For those of you who know this story arc... you know that Ultron is creating the Vision.
Now, this is where in the trailer you see Hulk and Iron Man fight as the Hulkbuster. Tony gives his hulking 11 foot suit the name, "Veronica." Just a fun fact. Why do Hulk and Iron Man fight? Because the Scarlet Witch gets inside the Hulk's head and makes him see his fear, which is never truly revealed.
Iron Man beats the Hulk, and the Avengers fail in getting the scepter again, with Ultron
being successful in getting the Vibranium he needs to make his synthezoid.
SYNTHEZOID: A special type of android empowered by synthesizing energy; in other words, he is a special android made from a different material, defining him with special human-like organs; also his different make-up gives him his abilities such as flight (source: Explanation of Synthezoid)
The Avengers then go to the home of Hawkeye, where they recuperate and hope to come up with a strategy. Nick Fury meets them and tells them that they better pull it together, or else the entire world will be destroyed.
The Avengers eventually catch up with Ultron, and prevent him from making Vision so that Ultron can occupy the Vision's body. Instead, Tony brings back Jarvis and implants him into the Vision's body, and so is born... The Vision.
I'll leave the action to you... but it was totally awesome. See for yourself. This is a movie you don't want to miss.
Story-line: 9.3 out of 10 Shields; overall, the story was accurate, except for the fact that Tony Stark is actually not the one who makes Ultron. It was in fact Hank Pym, but it all worked out. And the fact that the Vision was Jarvis was all wrong, but that worked okay too.
Action: 8.9 out of 10 Hulkbusters; not that the action was bad... there was just too much of it. I dunno, maybe I'm just being stupid, but it didn't seem like there was too much development of Ultron, which I would have liked to see more of. But... you can't do everything, can you Whedon???
Rewatch Probability: Very high, aka 9.6; if you know a lot of the story arcs that tie in to these movies... then that means you will be flipping out at the very end of the movie. It's totally awesome. Now, at the end, if you're confused, those are the New Avengers. Iron Man left, so did Thor and Hawkeye. Captain America is still the leader, but it's new people. I was actually hoping that that could be potential for the West Coast Avengers, but that potential will come up in Civil War so yeah.
Overall Rating: 9.27 out of 10
Wondering how I got that answer??? Add 9.3, 8.9, and 9.6, and you end up with 27.8. Divide that by three, and you get 9.266666666667. So rounding... 9.27.
So there you are!
Bibliography: "Avengers: Age of Ultron Ultron's first body"<https://ifyouwantthegravy.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/avengers-ultron-first-body.jpg>
"Avengers Age of Ultron the Vision clip" <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAyPg0LQ25o>
"Hulk vs. Hulkbuster Avengers Age of Ultron" <http://i.newsarama.com/images/i/000/146/176/original/avengers-age-of-ultron-trailer-screengrab-27-hulk-hulkbuster.png?1428932851>
"Age of Ultron Wakanda" <http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/image/upload/c_fill,h_540,w_960/t_mp_quality/avengers-age-of-ultron-you-saw-wakanda-and-you-didn-t-even-know-it-25d0a714-f484-482d-b6b4-e5220c3100e0-png-162136.jpg>
"Avengers Age of Ultron title poster" <http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y8ecAVfowDQ/maxresdefault.jpg>
"Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch Avengers Age of Ultron" <http://www.blastr.com/sites/blastr/files/QuicksilverScarletWitch1_0.jpg>
![]() |
Ultron's First Body |
Strucker orders his people to put up the shield, and is trying to reassure everybody that they won't get in. One of the scientists says, "But they're the Avengers!"
Good job! You finally got it. The Avengers can do a lot of things, including breaking into a top secret super protected military facility as if they were breaking into an unlocked home. Not very difficult, and the Avengers get the scepter. But... with some complications.
The Avengers go back to the Avengers tower and begin analyzing the scepter right away,
with Tony and Bruce working on it to try and access its power, therefore completing Tony's "Ultron" program. The "Ultron" program was designed to end the Avengers.
Every time that an alien race would come to wreak havoc on Earth, Tony is hoping that by creating Ultron, the Avengers will never have to assemble again, because Ultron will take care of the threat before it even thinks about touching the surface of Earth.
After three days of endless work, Tony and Bruce are still unsuccessful. However, they are able to take a little break and enjoy Tony's party. We see a lot of familiar faces, Rhodey, Maria Hill, Falcon, and of course, the Avengers.
Where Ultron builds his army |
Jarvis tries shutting Ultron down, but Ultron destroys Jarvis, and begins making a body for himself. This is where the action starts to pick up with Ultron. Ultron creates his first body, and has his first encounter with the Avengers.
The Avengers easily beat Ultron's first body, and Tony has to reveal what he was working on for the past few years after the incident in the first Avengers film. And guess what?! They are not happy... especially Captain America.
Tony complains, "Does anybody remember when I put a missile through a portal, in New York City? We were standing right under it. We're the Avengers, we can bust weapons dealers the whole doo-da-day, but how do we cope with something like that?"
Captain America responds: "Together."
"We'll lose."
"We do that together, too."
The machine that the scientist and Tony created makes natural skin tissue based off of the person that is in the chamber. Now, Ultron wants to use that machine to make for himself the perfect body. For those of you who know this story arc... you know that Ultron is creating the Vision.
Now, this is where in the trailer you see Hulk and Iron Man fight as the Hulkbuster. Tony gives his hulking 11 foot suit the name, "Veronica." Just a fun fact. Why do Hulk and Iron Man fight? Because the Scarlet Witch gets inside the Hulk's head and makes him see his fear, which is never truly revealed.
Iron Man beats the Hulk, and the Avengers fail in getting the scepter again, with Ultron
Hulk vs. The Hulkbuster |
SYNTHEZOID: A special type of android empowered by synthesizing energy; in other words, he is a special android made from a different material, defining him with special human-like organs; also his different make-up gives him his abilities such as flight (source: Explanation of Synthezoid)
The Avengers then go to the home of Hawkeye, where they recuperate and hope to come up with a strategy. Nick Fury meets them and tells them that they better pull it together, or else the entire world will be destroyed.
The Avengers eventually catch up with Ultron, and prevent him from making Vision so that Ultron can occupy the Vision's body. Instead, Tony brings back Jarvis and implants him into the Vision's body, and so is born... The Vision.
I'll leave the action to you... but it was totally awesome. See for yourself. This is a movie you don't want to miss.
Story-line: 9.3 out of 10 Shields; overall, the story was accurate, except for the fact that Tony Stark is actually not the one who makes Ultron. It was in fact Hank Pym, but it all worked out. And the fact that the Vision was Jarvis was all wrong, but that worked okay too.
Action: 8.9 out of 10 Hulkbusters; not that the action was bad... there was just too much of it. I dunno, maybe I'm just being stupid, but it didn't seem like there was too much development of Ultron, which I would have liked to see more of. But... you can't do everything, can you Whedon???
Rewatch Probability: Very high, aka 9.6; if you know a lot of the story arcs that tie in to these movies... then that means you will be flipping out at the very end of the movie. It's totally awesome. Now, at the end, if you're confused, those are the New Avengers. Iron Man left, so did Thor and Hawkeye. Captain America is still the leader, but it's new people. I was actually hoping that that could be potential for the West Coast Avengers, but that potential will come up in Civil War so yeah.
Overall Rating: 9.27 out of 10
Wondering how I got that answer??? Add 9.3, 8.9, and 9.6, and you end up with 27.8. Divide that by three, and you get 9.266666666667. So rounding... 9.27.
So there you are!
Bibliography: "Avengers: Age of Ultron Ultron's first body"<https://ifyouwantthegravy.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/avengers-ultron-first-body.jpg>
"Avengers Age of Ultron the Vision clip" <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAyPg0LQ25o>
"Hulk vs. Hulkbuster Avengers Age of Ultron" <http://i.newsarama.com/images/i/000/146/176/original/avengers-age-of-ultron-trailer-screengrab-27-hulk-hulkbuster.png?1428932851>
"Age of Ultron Wakanda" <http://images-cdn.moviepilot.com/image/upload/c_fill,h_540,w_960/t_mp_quality/avengers-age-of-ultron-you-saw-wakanda-and-you-didn-t-even-know-it-25d0a714-f484-482d-b6b4-e5220c3100e0-png-162136.jpg>
"Avengers Age of Ultron title poster" <http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y8ecAVfowDQ/maxresdefault.jpg>
"Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch Avengers Age of Ultron" <http://www.blastr.com/sites/blastr/files/QuicksilverScarletWitch1_0.jpg>
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