Monday, June 15, 2015

Jurassic World

                  Are you looking for another movie to absolutely blow you away? Look no further than Jurassic World! This incredible reboot takes on the same terror as the original Jurassic Park films and adds a little bit of spice to the franchise. 
                  In this edition of PoC blogging, I will try and cover as much as I possibly can. You could also consider this as your "Parent Edition" if you want. If I miss something, I apologize beforehand. Now, let's get to reviewing!

J U R A S S I C    W O R L D

                  The park is definitely open and running smoothly. The film begins 22 years after the events of Jurassic Park, and is now a fully functioning theme park, as was the vision of our beloved John Hammond. Two kids, Gray and Zach, are leaving to visit their Aunt Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard, Spider-Man 3) who is now the head of the park. 
                  The film starts off relatively slow and mellow, focusing on Gray, the younger brother, being ecstatic about seeing real life dinosaurs for probably the first time. His older brother Zach, however, is not so thrilled. The two visit multiple attractions with Claire's British assistant. (Did you miss the Jurassic Park theme? Well, here it is! I cried to be honest.)
                  Now how could we forget about Chris Pratt? Well, we'll have to call him Owen, since that's his film name. Turns out, Owen is somewhat of a dinosaur trainer. He has trained four Velociraptors to obey him. Their names are Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo. And Owen is the Alpha. 
                  Claire's boss wants to know if the "new attraction" is okay to be shown to the people of Jurassic World. Because, it's been like ten years since they had a huge flood of people come, and that's not good, cuz they want their money. I can't blame them. 
                  Well, the boss isn't ready to just give the go-ahead. The Indominus Rex has eaten her sister, and has tried to break the glass of her confinement space. So the boss tells Claire to call in Owen to see if it's okay. 
                  Now you have to understand that before the events of the film, Owen and Claire had a thing going, and their relationship is kinda awkward right now. So you can imagine that Claire is pretty reluctant about going to her old boyfriend. 
                  That isn't the only problem though. Owen has a guy that wants to buy the Velociraptors from the park and utilize them in the battlefield of war. Owen understands why... because it's possible to control them. But if it goes wrong, everyone on the field could die, and both nations of the war wouldn't like that.
                  Now, Claire brings Owen to the Indominus Rex's confinement. I won't tell you how she gets out, but it's pretty scary. Like, not jump scary, but mentally scary cuz she outsmarts the humans. Yea... I know.
                  Back to Zach and Gray! They run from the Brit assistant (no offense to the Englishmen out there) and go into the hamster bowl thingy. I forget what it's called. And when Indominus escapes confinement, that's when the action picks up.
                  Zach and Gary run into the Indominus, and get away safely. Claire and Owen go in search of the kids, and eventually find them, running into the Indominus more than once. OH OH OOH! I
almost forgot! Okay, I won't tell you all of it, but I'll tell you that Gray and Zach run into the old Jurassic Park museum and get to drive one of the old school Jeeps!
                  The Indominus causes all sorts of trouble, enough for the guy Owen was dealing with earlier to finally utilize the raptors to try and beat Indominus. Large battle ensues, and you will have to see what happens next! 
NOTE: I do realize I left out some things, but I did that on purpose. I only got the gist of the film, the rest is for you to find out. Now to the ratings. 

Family Friendliness: 5 out of 10 Raptors- this film is defintely not for your 6 to 7 year old. i know you have preference, but if it were my child, i would not let them see this film unless they were at least 8 or 9, maybe even 10. there is some suggestive blood content, there is swearing, and im not really sure what your view on cussing is. 
Action: 9 out of 10 Amino Acids- the film has a good beginning. its delightful, happy, and funny. once the action picks up, there is a lot more stress, but there is still an element of humor that nicely balances out all of the action. there's chases, avoiding being eaten, and constantly running. 
Storyline: 9.8 out of 10 Indominus Rexes- the story was well developed, and kept the same elements of things going horribly out of control. there was a satisfying ending, and also an opening for a sequel. (I've heard Chris Pratt has signed on for sequels!!!) 
Overall: 8 out of 10- i took the average of the previous three categories, coming out to 7.93333333, so i just rounded up. overall a great film. i highly recommend it.
Rewatch Probability: High

J U R A S S I C   W O R L D

"Jurassic World Indominus Rex vs. Tyrannasourus Rex" <>  

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