Saturday, July 11, 2015

Terminator: Genisys

                  Get ready for the Terminator movie you have wanted to see ever since the disappointment of "Terminator: Salvation." Back and better than ever, Arnold Schwarzenegger delivers an excellent performance as the 101st Model T-800 Terminator. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start from the  beginning.


                  Kyle Reese begins the film by explaining that his parents would tell him of a world before the war with the machines...a world he never knew. He explains that Skynet was the driving force behind the Apocalyptic world Kyle was raised in.
*NOTE: If you have seen Terminator 3 and/or Terminator: Salvation, you can scrap those story lines about how Kyle met John Connor.*
                  As a child Kyle was constantly on the run from the Terminators. On one such occasion,
The T-1000, not supposed to show up until Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Kyle ran into a sewer. A "skin-job" followed him and was about to kill him when John drops in and shoots the Terminator down.
                  From here, Kyle explains how John raised him, and taught him and the Resistance how to fight back. Some called John Connor a prophet, but to Kyle, he was much more. John was a friend. Now, the night where we pick up the story is the last battle.
                  This is the night the Resistance will destroy Skynet forever. John has sent a battalion to the Central Core of Skynet, and they are currently working on destroying the main CPU. Skynet realizes it is losing, and therefore sends a Terminator back in time... young Schwarzenegger. Soon after, Skynet is shut down. The Terminators lose all functionality, and the Resistance has won... or so they think.
                  They set up base at the time machine, and John explains that one person must go back in
Young vs. Old Schwarzenegger
time to protect his mother if there will ever be hope for the survival of humanity.
Many volunteer, and John does not choose them. Finally, Kyle speaks up and says, "I'll go. Let me save her." "Why should I choose you over them?" asks John. "You know why." And yes we all know why. Kyle loves Sarah.
                  So Kyle prepares himself and steps onto the platform that will send him back to 1984. As the machine is charging up, John looks on, then is attacked by an unknown soldier. Remember this guy. When he grabs John, he grabs him around the mouth, and an energy begins to pulse through John. Just as this happens, Kyle is gone, and is transported back to 1984.
Now, if you have watched the original Terminator film, you are gonna see a lot of familiar things. I won't spoil, but I'll let die-hard fans flip out on their own.
                  One of the things that is odd about this 1984 is that there is a Terminator that is not supposed to come in until the second movie. Yea, the T-1000 is here to hunt Kyle, too.
                  But before that, if you remember correctly, Schwarzenegger arrives first and goes to see the punks where he first gets his clothes. "Nice night for a walk," he repeats from one of the punks.
He also tells them he needs their clothes.
                  But before the killing can happen, an older Schwarzenegger comes from the darkness and says, "I've been waiting for you." He has a Remington and looks like he is ready to kick some serious butt.
                  The younger Schwarzenegger charges and a battle ensues, ending with the younger version being shot down by Sarah Connor. When he's shot down, we see the familiar thumbs-up from  Terminator 2: Judgment Day by the older Schwarzenegger.

The T-3000
The scene switches to Kyle running from the Terminator cop, picking up his clothes like in the original Terminator film. He gets changed in the changing room and drops down in his Nikes.
                  The Terminator stabs through the back of the changing room and Kyle has gotta scram fast. As he's running, he runs into two cops, one being called O'Brian. Remember this guy, too. He'll be coming up later.
O'Brian and his pal arrest Kyle, and Kyle attempts to tell them that a Terminator is coming and that they're gonna die. Of course they don't listen and O'Brian's friend gets killed.
                  Just as the T-1000 is going to terminate Kyle and O'Brian, a huge truck breaks through the store and runs into the Terminator.
                  The door opens and Sarah Connor yells, "Come with me if you want to live!" The T-1000 gets up and begins to walk forward when Sarah starts shooting him up.
                  "NOW SOLDIER!"
                  Kyle runs into the truck and Sarah starts driving. The T-1000 throws a liquid part of himself onto the truck in order to track them.
                   So, I'm pretty sure you can imagine that Kyle is just as confused as we are. He starts out by asking what's going on, that this past is all messed up, and that something is terribly wrong.
                  Sarah says, "Look, I know that John sent you back, but the past he knew about is changed." Whaaa'?
                   Well then! I'm gonna leave the play-by-play narrative of the story here. It's pretty early since the film just came out, but I highly suggest seeing the movie. I'll put the trailer below so you can try and get a feel for what's going on, although the trailer really won't explain anything.
                  But yea! I'll leave my ratings below, I recommend reading them. But just so you know right now, the film is PG-13, so there's no sexuality.
Family Friendliness: 5 out of 10 Time Portals- I advise caution for ages 11 and younger. There is extreme violence and a lotta swearing. But, there is little to no blood and no sexuality. Also, what nudity there is, it's because of the time travel, and you may catch a little bit of butt and maybe some of Emilia Clarke's breasts. So... Parental Discretion is advised.
Story-line: 9.5 out of 10 T-800's
The story is well-developed and is brought together at the end. It all ties together so beautifully, and you leave the theater completely mind-blown. This is definitely a film to watch over and over again.
Action: 9.8 out of 10 T-3000's
Oh…my…gosh. There is no way to explain the amount of action. It was totally awesome!
Overall Rating: 9.5 out of 10 Guns- My math came out to be 8.1 but I couldn't let that be the case, so I added 1.4 guns to the equation. But 8.1 is to be taken if your child is 12 and under.
Bibliography: "Terminator: Genisys Trailer" <>
"Terminator: Genisys Sarah Connor poster" <>

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