Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Flashback Movie Review: Miracle

                Hiya everybody, before we get started, I would like to thank a friend of mine for pointing me to this movie. She had been nagging me for quite awhile to watch this film, and I never really got around to it. But recently, she bought the movie for me, and I watched it. I did promise a movie review on PoC, so here it is.

M   I   R   A   C   L   E

                  Herb Brooks is the man who has been chosen to coach the USA 1980 Olympic Hockey Team. Russia has won the past five Hockey Championships in the Olympics, and the USA wants to
take the gold this time. 
                    Herb chooses a team of 26 from among the best in the United States. He then starts to pick and choose which of those 26 will make his 20-man team for the Olympic Games. Herb drills the team hard, including giving them one of the most famous hockey drills known today as "Herbies," or "Suicides."
                    After one of their first game, a tie with Oslo, Herb makes the team run "Herbies" long after the ice rink is supposed to be shut down. They run Herbies hours upon hours, and as the team continues, they become sick. 
                    They are all exhausted, and one individual pukes. The others can't take it any longer. Herb is about to make them do the Herbies again when Mike Eurizone, one of the players, states his name. Herb asks him, "Who do you play for?"
                    "I play for the United States of America." 
                    "That will be all gentleman," Herb says. He got his message through that the name on the front of the jersey is a whole lot more important than the name on the back. 
                    Herb's goal throughout the entire film is to make the players into much more than a team;
he wants them to become a family. He wants them to all be able to work together in such a way that in order to beat them, their entire team would have to be severed, which was impossible.
                    And Herb accomplishes this, by being the bad guy; forcing the team to skate together, pass together, and shoot together. They all become a tight "squad" as some people may call it, and they all come to love each other as family.
                    So watch as this 1980 World Renowned team rises to the challenge of the Soviet Union in one of the most crucial times in our nation's history; the Cold War. Watch them come together in an unbreakable bond as they face the Russian's unbeatable hockey team, and come back at the last second with Al Michael's most famous line in all of sports history,
                    "Do you believe in miracles?! YES!!!" 

M   I   R   A   C   L   E

Story: 10 out of 10 Hockey Pucks- This is truly a motivational and moving story about the importance of teamwork, even in the toughest of situations.
Rewatch Probability: High (9/10)- You will watch this film over and over again, surprised each time at how the United States beat the Soviets at their own game.
Family Friendliness: 8 out of 10 Hockey Sticks- There is some rude humor, and there is some fighting that takes place, but nothing that your 9 year old probably can't handle. But I'll let you be the judge of that.
Overall: 9 out of 10 Stars- 10+9+8=27, 27/30= .9 An inspiring and extremely well done film, dedicated to the greatest moment ever recorded and witnessed in sports history. 

"Disney Movie Miracle Trailer" <>

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