Monday, February 24, 2014


                 Alright, this was an AWESOME movie, but before I get to reviewin', I wanna mention a few things. Okay, Thing 1: On a scale of 1-10 for family friendliness, I'd give this a 3, or maybe a 3.5.
                In the movie, it gets graphic, and there's blood flying all over the place. There's a brief sensuality scene in the beginning, and all throughout, there's swearing. So, don't even take your 8 or 9 year old to see this... in fact, any kid under 13 shouldn't see this movie; hence the PG-13 Rating.
               It seems like the movie-makers really took advantage of that rating, and *just* got off the hook with it. Any more of the crap, and it would've made it to R.
               BUT, for epic awesomeness (excluding the sensuality scene and all that) I'd give this an 8 out of 10 EM-208s. Why? Well, RoboCop, like I said, is awesome. But, it doesn't give you that feel that you had when you watched The Avengers for example. You felt that adrenaline rush, and you were on the edge of your seat, right?
               Well, in RoboCop, you sorta get that feeling at some points throughout the movie, but it's not constant, if you catch my drift. The movie has a great story-line and EVERYTHING essential to an action hero type of movie, but it doesn't *quite* deliver, ya know?
              While those parts are satisfying, you're left wanting more, but not receiving it until later on... MUCH later. Alright, to the review part.


              Okay, we all saw the trailer, right? So, you know what happens to make him become the robot he is. He's blown up. Well, the reason he's blown up is because he's on a case that involves an extremely dangerous gun-dealer. And he's got cops on the inside of the force.
              This dealer realizes that Officer Alex Murphy (aka RoboCop) is hot on his trail. So in order to get rid of his threat, he tells one of his goons to do something; anything to get rid of Alex Murphy. And that's where you get the explosion. The attempted murder obviously fails as we see in the trailer.

             Now as a half-cop, half-robot, Alex is given the opportunity to prove himself as the new guy on the block in his robo-body. As he's going to be revealed for the first time in the public, the scientist (Gary Oldman- The Dark Knight Trilogy ) that gave him his robotic body attempts to give Alex ALL police records and uploads to video cameras and all that cool stuff by uploading it to his

            Does it work? Yep. But with a bummer. As it's uploading, Alex's emotional level goes up with the overload in his brain, which he still has. He still has a human brain, he's just inserted into a robotic body. So what the scientist has to do is take away his emotions...huh?
            Now RoboCop is just a robot with a human face, nothing else. With the stripping of his ability to feel emotion, he loses the care he once had for his family. All he cares about is ridding the streets of the punks that commit crime all over the place. But, he's not on the case that he once was as a man anymore. Instead, he's stopping petty crimes now.
           Here's where some violence comes in... with one drug-dealer RoboCop is going to capture, he tazes him to immobilize him. The man drops to the floor with a live grenade in his hand, and RoboCop just lets him explode. That's cold.
          Everything RoboCop does is done with no feeling, no nothing. He just does his "duties." I won't spoil anything else, but I will tell you that after this, there's a whole lot more blood, violence, and swearing.
          Then, RoboCop overrides the system, and goes after the one who wanted all this to happen, the character played by Michael Keaton. Alongside him, we got Gary Oldman (already mentioned) and Samuel L. Jackson (NICK FURY!!- The Avengers)
          So, with this cast, and story-line, RoboCop turned out to be a great film... but it coulda done better.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Epic Music

Hey guys! Alright, this is some AWESOME music, courtesy of "taylorlipari" on Youtube. Thanks, dude! Oh, BTW guys. Sorry I haven't done any reviews lately, I'm actually going to go see Robocop tonight, so expect that review pretty soon. Yea, thanks, and enjoy!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day!!

             Today is Valentine's Day! So I feel like posting a cool song about love! Here it is: Rhythm of Love.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Lego Movie- Official Piece of Cake Review

            The Lego Movie is a creative and fun movie that is, on a scale of 1-10 of family friendliness and hilariousness, an 11. The movie is just so humorous, even in the sad moments and the "tense" moments, every corner turned has something to laugh at.
            The movie stars the main character, Emmet, an ordinary fellow who follows the rules of his own city that are given to him by President Business. He follows all the days instructions and is just livin' the life. Well, in the beginning of the movie, a prophecy is made about Emmet, which says he is the most important person in the world, and he will save the world from President Business, who plans to destroy it. 
            Now, Emmet begins his destiny and embarks on a journey which unlocks secrets about himself that will help him and his comrades, both good, funny, and sorta bad, ALL with the classic Lego humor that every Lego player knows and loves. 
            In the Lego Movie, we encounter a well-known and highly respected hero, BATMAN! This Batman is still very close to the character that was created in The Dark Knight Trilogy, but Warner Bros. has added a funny side to him which makes him even better in the movie, cuz he's makin fun comments, and just being himself. The story moves along, and Emmet devises a plan to get into President Businesses's giant fortress, to stop his evil weapon from destroying the world.
            I'm not going to spoil anything, but I'll tell you...if you want a movie that will make your whole family cry because you're laughing so hard, go see this movie. Oh, and a fun fact, The Lego Movie made $1 million more than the Hobbit 2...on opening weekend. HIGHLY recommend this family movie... see it and love it.

Everything is awesome.

Music Post III - We Remain: Christina Aguilera

Good Song

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Hey guys, posting twice cuz I wanna start using colors for my different posts. Movies will be RED. Video games will be BLUE. Drawings will be GREEN. And music will be PURPLE. Legends will be just plain black... or just any random color.  Did I forget anything? Oh yea... and for +Nuked Dew , post in GREY. It'll look pretty sick... and colorful!

Thanks, dudes!

See ya

My broken Bo staff

Hey guys, I broke my Bo staff at Black Belt Training... oh, yes... testing for black belt on March 22, and I snapped it in half. Below is a pic, you can check it out on Epic'z Picz, too. Link above.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Sixth Sense

              Do you like scary movies? Well, here's a good one I think those horror fans will love. This feature-film by M. Night Shyamalan is one of his greatest works of art. "The Sixth Sense" is a movie about the amazing yet freaky ability of a boy to see ghosts... that are still roaming the Earth. Only he can see them, which makes an impression on people that the boy is crazy. He can speak to them, and only he can hear them, and they hear him. On a rating of family friendliness on a scale from 1-10, I would say this is a two for little ones, for teens that love freaky movies, a 10, and for semi-freaky fans, a 6.

             The story begins with Bruce Willis and his wife at home. Bruce is drunk and is rhyming like Dr. Seuss. The couple goes upstairs and as Bruce's wife is getting ready for bed, she screams. Out comes an 18 year old boy who has the same powers or abilities as the boy described above. He has a revolver pointed at Bruce, and the two have a freaky conversation. At the end of it, the 18-yr old shoots Bruce in the back as Bruce tries to do a spin move to protect his wife from the gun-shot. The boy shoots himself in the temple and as Bruce lay on the bed, dying, the scene fades out.

               The screen fades in saying over a park, "FIVE MONTHS LATER." Bruce is healthy once again and is sitting on a bench waiting for a boy to exit the school he sits by. When the boy comes out, he has a startled shock, and turns away from Bruce. Bruce stands up and casually follows the boy home.

              At the home, Bruce talks to the boy about a special condition the boy might have of seeing  the dead. From there, the two embark on an adventure of discovering the boy's amazing power, while Bruce and his wife are distant... then as the movie reaches an end, the boy tells Bruce, "I think I know how you can talk to your wife. Talk to her while she sleeps, then she'll talk back."
               "I'll try." When Bruce goes home and talks to his wife in her sleep, she asks, "Why did you leave me?"
                "What do you mean? I never left you."
                "Why did you leave me?" She drops a ring that is Bruce's and he realizes that he's been dead the whole time... FREAKY!

Well... if you're a fan of scary movies.... Enjoy?