Monday, June 30, 2014

Flashback Review: Now You See Me

                Alright, guys, since I haven't seen any newer movies recently, I decided to do a review on a movie that I had almost forgotten about, and had just seen the other night! So... here we go!

                        Now You See Me is a movie on the element of illusion, something little kids like to call, "Magic." If you look closely, you can see in quotes the main phrase of the entire film,

"The closer you look, the less you'll see."

                         This plays a very important factor in the whole of the movie, as so much is going on and the audience, if indeed they are looking too close, they'll see basically nothing of the plot until it is explained at the end of the movie by Morgan Freeman.
                          Jesse Eisenberg, Dave Franco, Isla Fisher, and Woody Harrelson, star as the Four Horsemen, a group of "magicians" that are a national sensation because of the things that they do; which is all incredible. The effects and the magic they show is all very convincing to anybody who doesn't know better, but the ones who have seen magic shows before can probably guess how much of the gigs are done.
                          Although, you may be wrong, because the whole of their plan is to "Join the Eye." They want to show that the magic industry is really out there and really works.
                         It is a very confusing movie, more so than Inception, because the real plot isn't really conveyed. The whole time, the film re-iterates that distractions are made in order to hide the real magic, which in this case is mainly bank heists.
                         But what really is being conveyed is the fact of what really happens in the entertainment industry. There's always something bigger going on than what is seen.

Rating: 7 or 7.5 because of the confusion. I had to look online in order to tell you what goes on, because I had no idea. The website is here:

Re-watch value: Debatable. If you like confusing movies and solving their riddles, this is definitely for you. But if you hate movies that you have to follow and think about...don't even bother.

Bibliography: Now You See Me poster

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

PRIDE Martial Arts Kick-a-Thon: Updates

- July 19, 2014

- St. Leo the Great Gymnasium

- 9:30 AM: Registration
- 10 AM: Kick-a-Thon Begins

What YOU can do:
- Click on "More Info" 
- Click on "Donate Now" 
- Or Click on "Join Team" and be there, walk with PRIDE Martial Arts!

Be There, Or Be Square

The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Official Review

            I'm really sorry for +Nate AG not doing his Spider-Man review. He's been really busy. So, I'm doing my own, and he'll do his own as well. Here we go:

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
          The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a film that clearly portrays Peter Parker's double life as a normal person, and as the hero that Manhattan has come to know and love. Spider-Man keeps the people of Manhattan safe in order to fulfill his promise to protect people.
              He manages well, but his love relationship with Gwen Stacy is starting to wane. Gwen is starting to feel a little bit neglected, and Peter is seeing visions of Gwen's father. Gwen realizes that Peter is still recovering from the second death he has "caused," and Gwen breaks up with him.
              Peter still manages to keep up his life as Spider-Man, but he's living in regret over his relationship with Gwen, and her father's death. He reveals more secrets about his father, and he finds out more about the spider that genetically enhanced his DNA in order to become the hero he is now.
              Spider-Man, in the middle of his problems, has another enemy coming his way... Electro. And while dealing with Electro, another villain also rises alongside his electric friend. The Green Goblin rises, and brings more pain to Spider-Man than any other villain ever will.
              Gwen Stacy is killed by the Green Goblin, and Spider-Man cannot recover over the death for five months. His aunt teaches him a valuable lesson in his time of need. Instead of holding on to his pain, anger, and suffering, Peter has to move on. That just doesn't mean he can't still love Gwen.
               Spider-Man returns for one last stand. The Rhino now threatens the city, and Spider-Man comes back. His final stand represents his moving on, and his ability to still be the hero Manhattan needs, even when he himself can't see the bright side of things.

RATING: Out of 10 Webs, I'd say a 9, or a 9.5. Reason being for the lack of the Rhino fight everybody wanted, and the dramatic death of our beloved Gwen Stacy. Pros are epic action, great storyline that continues the first film's mysteries and solves them, and opens more doors for villains and more stories that could follow in the wake of...



                Oh my gosh! It's almost been an entire month that I haven't posted! I am SO...SO...sorry, guys! I know y'all were porbably expecting Godzilla reviews, the Spider-Man 2 review, and everything else in between. Sorry I let you down. 
               It was an insane month, I was studying for Finals, and then all Finals week I had no time whatsoever to post anything I saw or heard about. So, today's my catching up day. Enjoy!